Oversized cardigan with elbow patches back – Women’s Cardigans | Black Long Cardigans, Oversized Cardigan | Tobi UK

Suit him or her up and no matter how grumpy, your child will be stylish. And YES, despite reasonable common-sense notions, babies DO require pockets to store their tiny little pipes, and patches to prevent them from wearing holes through the elbows of their cardigans after years of use!

We are on the home stretch, finally!

Sweater Techniques Series – Gramps Baby Cardigan – 6 / 6 : Finishing Touches | Tin Can Knits

The adorable Gramps Cardigan is very close to complete. If you are tired of reading about it, simply slap on some buttons and take your little grouchy old man out to the park.

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Do you have a hard time finishing projects? Many people do, and I myself am no exception! I enjoy this because I do not find seaming as relaxing as knitting, so I tend to avoid it.

Luckily, I find picking up stitches magically delicious, so I employ this technique wherever possible to avoid seaming.

This tutorial is part 3 of a 6-part tutorial covering sweater knitting techniques for the Gramps cardigan. To view the other parts of the tutorial click on the links below.

The last two finishing touches that will be added to the Gramps cardigan are the knit-on patch pockets, and the tiny elbow patches.

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Insert the needle into the work, under one of the bars between two stitches, from the RS to the WS, then back to the WS. Next wrap the yarn around, then use the needle to pull the loop through the work, creating a loop at the front of the work.

Continue working to the left in this manner, picking up a new stitch for every stitch of the work, in a straight line, until the required number are picked up.

Turn the work, to work back purling to the start of the row where you began picking up. You can see a row of bumps which will be at the inside of the pocket.

Continue to knit back and forth in rows as described in the pattern. Once the pocket is bound off, you sew down the sides of the pocket; I suggest using the mattress stitch, which is quite tidy and effective.

A little pocket. Make another the same, then move on to the elbow patches.

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The elbow patches are very easy to make. Simply knit them following pattern instructions, making two the same. If you leave a long yarn tail at the start or the end of the work, you can use this to sew the patch to the elbow.

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Weaving in ends is not the most fun part of a knitting project. Pull out your needles and put on some cheesy TV if that helps sooth the pain.

Latest Posts. Oversized cardigan with elbow patches back And must the sweater be in whool absolutely?

What kind of needle do you use? For grafting kitchener stitch and seaming mattress stitch, etc. For weaving in ends, however, you should use a sharp needle, so that you can pierce the stitches, creating greater friction to hold the yarn end in place.

After awhile turn, and work in another direction, still at a diagonal relative to the knitted fabric. It should remain hidden and secure.

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Once the ends are woven in, and you have sewn on buttons in locations that correspond to the buttonholes, the pattern suggests that you block the sweater.

Blocking makes your beautiful work of art shine, you have put so much time into it, why skip the last step? Blocking is not a lot of bother, and it always makes a knitted project look better and more finished.

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I have covered wet blocking in a sweater blocking tutorial here. If you have followed along and knit the Gramps cardigan with me, you now have a beautiful little item to give as a gift or keep for your own grouchy little creature.

All materials and information presented by Forever 21 on the Site are intended to be used for informational purposes only. Oversized cardigan with elbow patches back We do not have access or control of the information posted to the blog.

Did you enjoy this tutorial? I hope that it was helpful and gave you the confidence to learn new techniques. With the skills you learned in this project you are now well-equipped to tackle most seamless sweater patterns!

Oversized cardigan with elbow patches back

Is there anything I covered that is unclear? Did I miss any important points?

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Please let me know what you think of these tutorials, and make suggestions for other tutorial topics by posting comments, or contact me directly. This material is also intended to be useful to those who teach knitting.

If you are a shop owner who runs knitting classes, and would like to use this tutorial for instruction, you are welcome to do so. Wanna hear about these tutorials as they are released?

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Share this post, or let them know about the great free patterns they could try from The Simple Collection. What a treat for sore eyes — the idea, the patterns layout, the detail — It left every question answered… Thank you sooooo much!

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What a great tutorial. I think this sweater is so cute! I love it and smile eveytime I read your updates on it. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Oversized cardigan with elbow patches back

Sweater Techniques Series: 6 Parts : How to knit a top-down raglan sweater, including a shawl collar shaped by short-rows. Explains all techniques required for the Gramps cardigan.

Women’s Long Oversized Cardigan Sweater – Decorative Trim / Front Pockets / Gray

Blog at WordPress. Tin Can Knits. Well now the sweater is complete! For Knitting Instructors This material is also intended to be useful to those who teach knitting.

Oversized cardigan with elbow patches back

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Amadi wrote:. Cardigans Discover the Latest Best Selling sweaters and cardigans for women SUCH a good tutorial!!

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